Cooking With The Lewis Sisters

A Blog of Recipes We Love and Enjoy!

Eighth Anniversary and Two Books May 19, 2020

Hi friends!

Today, May 19, 2020, is the eighth anniversary of our blog, I cannot believe it!

I hope all of you are doing well. Living in lockdown is something that we will not soon forget; we have had to adapt, and I believe, that we are doing a great job, considering the circumstances we find ourselves in at this unforgettable time.

I do not have a recipe for you today, rather, I have a writing update. Later this year, I will be publishing two books!

The first book is a novel entitled: ‘Imprisoned Hearts’, it is the second book in ‘The Hidden Hearts Series’.


When two teenagers agree to start a relationship, their problems and secrets threaten to ruin the new love they have found, can their love survive with the struggles they find?

If you have not read my first book, check it out, it is entitled: ‘Fevered Hearts’, it is a clean romantic suspense novel.

The second book is for children, it is entitled: ‘Nigel and The Festival of Flames’.


Nigel is competing in The Festival of Flames, but he is smaller than the other dragons and does not think he can throw his flames in the sky; will Nigel be victorious and win The Festival of Flames?

I cannot wait for you to read these books! I will post the links as soon as they are published.

I know Times are tough, but we can do this!

Stay safe! God bless!

Activities For Kids! March 23, 2020


If you have children, I am sure you are going crazy during lockdown from the
Corona Virus, COVID-19.

Right now, you are super parents: working from home, trying to get your kids
to do their school work, and keeping your home running. When you are tired
of the video games and screen time, you probably think: “What am I going to
do to keep them entertained?”

Here are some fun activities that I have compiled, special thanks must go to
my friends who have shared their recipes with me or on social media. Due to
COVID-19 making shopping more challenging, I hope you are able to find, or
have the ingredients to make the following recipes.

*Kari’s Edible Play Dough

1 cup plain yogurt

1 cup ish of cornstarch

Food coloring

Mix the yogurt and food coloring together, then mix in the corn starch until
the play dough is as thick as you want. Play and eat to your hearts content.
Store in the refrigerator.

I followed a Facebook post where Kari asked for ideas to keep her kids
entertained, here are some great ideas someone posted in the comments:

1. Put shaving cream on your table and let them draw in it.

2. Dump baking soda on a baking sheet, get eye droppers to put colored
vinegar on it, and watch it bubble.

3. Put acrylic paint in a baggie, seal it, tape it down to your table, and
let them draw on it.

4. Get a big bowl and put water and dish soap in it and let them make

5. Color light Karo syrup with food coloring and then paint with it, it
looks like stained glass.

*Elizabeth’s Sidewalk Paint

Equal parts corn starch and water.

Then add food coloring.

Use paintbrushes and your imagination!

*Eileen’s Best Ever No-Cook Play Dough Recipe

2 cups plain flour (all purpose)

2 tablespoons vegetable oil (baby oil and coconut oil work too)

1/2 cup salt.

2 tablespoons cream of tartar.

1 to 1.5 cups boiling water (adding in increments until it feels just right)

gel food colouring (optional)

A few drops glycerin (my secret ingredient for stretch and shine!)

Mix everything together and play!

*Madelyn is a Special Education Teacher and she teaches visually impaired
and blind children, here are her ideas:

They could make edible necklaces, slime or kids love mini pizza.

Kids could also make cupcakes and take food coloring and decorate their own
couple of cupcakes stirring with a toothpick.

They can die Easter eggs using a bag:

Pour dry rice and put some food coloring in the bag. Then, roll the egg
around. They can make the eggs tactile using stickers as well.

*Faheem shared the following website which has wonderful activities for scout groups. *My ideas:

If you have pudding, eat and finger paint with it.

For chocolate pudding, try making cups of dirt (Quantities of each item are
up to you)

1. Fill your coffee mug/paper cup with chocolate pudding. Make chocolate pie
filling from the following link: (Or use
the premade chocolate pudding cups for easier preparation).

2. Mix a few chunks of cookie in the pudding, optional.

3. Sprinkle cookie crumbs on top of the chocolate pudding so it is
completely covered.

4. Garnish with gummy worms. (watch out if you eat Gluten-Free)

5. Serve immediately or cover cups of dirt with Saran wrap and store in the
refrigerator until ready to eat. (You may want to hold off on adding the
cookie crumbs and gummy worms if the pudding is going to sit for a long time
or overnight).

Search for Wikki Stix (string covered in wax that you can mold) on Amazon;
kids can outline and color or paint around the Wikki Stix.

Play board games.

Draw on the sidewalk with ice cubes or sidewalk chalk.

Have dance parties and sing songs, play musical instruments.

Take a walk or hike. Jump rope, play hopscotch, or ride bicycles.

Cook and bake (There are plenty of recipes on the blog).

Build forts out of blankets or sheets.

Let the kids play in and color on boxes, as well as, make little towns for
their dolls, stuffed animals, or cars and other toys using boxes.

String beads onto pipe cleaners.

Write and perform plays. Write poetry. Read books. Write and illustrate stories. Aquariums and zoos are sharing videos each day to let us see their animals since they are closed to the public; a lot of museums are doing virtual tours as well.

Most of all, enjoy yourselves and stay safe!

Easy Way To Rehydrate Brown Sugar March 19, 2020

Hi everyone!
All I have to say about 2020 is, wow! None of us could have predicted the outbreak of COVID-19 (The Corona Virus). Wherever you are, we send you our love, and we pray that you are staying safe during this lockdown, which is so difficult, but necessary to stop the virus from spreading. Remember to wash your hands and check in with friends, family, and neighbors using technology.
Yesterday, our family endured three earthquakes; where we live, that is very unusual, luckily, there were no injuries. It took a two-hour workout, and baking banana muffins for me to relax. Here is the link to the muffin recipe.
When I had all of the ingredients ready to make the muffins, I discovered that my brown sugar was hard as a rock. Due to the already stressful situation, I was very irritated, and looked for a way to rehydrate the brown sugar quickly, which is what I want to share with you below.
1. Place your brown sugar in a microwave safe bowl.
2. Cover the bowl with a damp paper towel.
3. Microwave the brown sugar for 30 second intervals, until it is soft enough to break apart with a fork. be careful because the brown sugar will be hot; don’t heat the brown sugar too much, because it will melt.
4. When the brown sugar is soft, it is ready to be mixed into your batter!
I hope you are doing well!
God bless, stay safe!

‘Fevered Hearts’ is Available! October 30, 2018

Hey guys!
I don’t have a recipe for you, rather, I am thrilled to let you know that my debut novel ‘Fevered Hearts’ is live!
I can’t thank you enough for the support! You guys are incredible!
To brighten your day, pick up a copy of my clean, romantic, suspense novel and start reading!
I hope you enjoy!
Amazon link:

Archway Publishing Link:
Barnes and Noble Link:


Happy St. Patrick’s Day! March 17, 2016

Top of the morning to ya!
We would like to wish all of you a “Happy St. Patrick’s Day!”
I have never been to Ireland, so the following is a short list of things I love about the Emerald Isle: the landscape is so green and beautiful, shamrocks and castles, the accents are amazing, and traditional Irish music is fantastic. Being a drummer and lover of classic rock I cannot forget the bands U2, Thin Lizzie and Van Morrison; some great music right there!
On a side note, I am friends with one of Ireland’s Paralympian sprinters; fastest Paralympian in the world, Jason Smyth. He is the nicest guy.
If you would like to learn more about him, visit his website: lets help him get to Rio 2016. Jason won gold in Rio 2016, and continues to have great success at other events!

I hope you have a wonderful day!
The Lewissisters


The Five Like Challenge February 12, 2016

Normally, I do not write posts like this; however, I feel like this could be a recipe for your happiness.
Yesterday when my dad and I were driving home, we heard John Legend’s “All of me” which made my dad say: “That’s a great song.” I agreed and added Colbie Caillat’s empowering song “Try”. Both songs have wonderful messages.
As the day continued I began to think about the times I compare myself to others and how it makes me feel, disappointed and the list goes on.
I was still pondering this subject as I went to bed, when an inspired thought came to me. I thought: “When you start comparing yourself to others, you need to stop. Starting tomorrow every morning you should get up and say five things you like about yourself.” I do not know why such a simple concept has never crossed my mind until now. I suppose it is because I have never thought about it for an extended period of time.
This morning, I took The Five like Challenge  and it made me feel happier. I hope everyone who reads our blog will take this challenge and start reminding yourself how wonderful you are and the amazing things you can do.
I hope The Five like Challenge becomes a routine that we fit into our day. I also hope that it brings us more self-confidence and joy.

Good luck! Remember, you are amazing!
The Lewissisters


Happy Father’s Day June 22, 2015

To all the men who read our blog, we would like to wish you a happy Father’s Day!
If you are a man reading our blog I would like to commend you. I would also like to remind you how valuable you are to your family, even if you are not a father.
Coming from a family of two girls we had a wonderful example in our father; he was always there for us and showed us what a man should be.
I understand society is trying to make men feel like they do not mean anything to a family; let me assure the men out there, you are a huge influence in a family, especially for your daughters and the young people of the world.
Men, I hope you never forget you can change someone’s life, just by being a good example. If you are a father, you are wonderful, being there for your children; you should be proud of the family you have. If you are not a father, be proud of the man you are. Think about the young people who watch you in your daily life and try to help them better themselves.
The Lord is proud of his sons, the men who dutifully step up and help others, even if they are not biological fathers.
I hope we all stop and thank our fathers, brothers, cousins, uncles, grandfathers and anyone else who has been a father figure in our lives.
Once again, happy Father’s Day guys, especially to our wonderful father. Thank you for being here for us.
The Lewissisters


Reflections May 19, 2015

Happy Third anniversary to the blog!
We would like to thank you for reading our blog and making our recipes. We are delighted to post such yummy food for you all.
A lot has happened since we started the blog.
My sister got married and had a baby.
I graduated from college and began serving a Church Service Mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
May 19th is important to me, not just because of our blog’s birthday but this year marks the one year anniversary of my mission.
I thought I would explain what a mission is, for those who don’t know. A mission for our church is usually 18 months (for girls) or two years (for boys). Girls serve at 19 and boys at 18; you can also serve in your mid 20’s like me.
A regular mission is when you are called to give service to the Lord and those around you; the goal being that you become selfless like Jesus Christ. Missionaries live away from their families while they serve (out of state is usually thee occurrence), they abide by a schedule that includes prayer and scripture study, along with service to the people they live amongst.
A Church Service Mission is a little different. A CSM (Church Service Missionary) has the opportunity to live at home (if they choose). The mission can last for a few months or as long as the CSM wishes. The CSM gives service to the Lord but it can be on a Monday through Friday basis; depending on where they are serving.
From my own experience, serving as a CSM has been a life changing opportunity. I am able to serve the Lord and strengthen my Spirituality every day. I serve with some incredible people who have become dear friends. I have met some incredible blind people internationally; working on a project collecting oral Histories and records from blind Latter-Day Saints.
I know all missionaries feel the same. Serving the Lord is a great honor; this service provides us with life-changing experiences; helping us become better people and members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
I hope you do not mind my reflections above, but I felt they needed to be shared.
We thank our family for the support as we chart our life courses.
Come back in a few days… Our recipe for May is going to knock your socks off! It is loaded with chocolate and Gluten Free as always.
See you then!
The Lewissisters


Happy Mother’s Day! May 11, 2015

To all the women who read our blog,
We want to wish all of you a Happy Mother’s Day!
If you are a mother like my sister or single like me, today is a day to honor you.
If you are a mother, there is no harder and more rewarding job than rearing children. They make you happy and crazy but through it all you love your children no matter what; always wanting the best for them.
If you are single like me, this is not a day to be sad, but rather look at yourself and be proud of the wonderful woman you see; you are strong and can achieve whatever you set your mind to.
I would like to remind all of us the Lord loves all His children, mothers or not. Ladies, remember to be happy and remember the Lord loves you, even in your most difficult time; the Lord is watching over you.
Special thanks to our amazing mom, we love you.
We hope everyone has a wonderful day!
The Lewissisters


Thank you readers! January 8, 2015

Hi everyone,
The other day, my sister and I were discussing how amazing all of you, our readers are. On separate occasions, we both happened to look at our stats and were absolutely astounded by what we saw.
When we began the blog, two and a half years ago, we had no idea so many of you would read and make our recipes (a lot of which are dear to our hearts, having been in our family for years.)
We would like to thank all of our faithful readers for following our blog. Even though we do not post every week, we appreciate those of you who continue to check back for our posts.
We do not know many of you by name, but we sincerely appreciate you, our amazing followers. We hope to provide you with suggestions to make meals easy and fun.
If you would like to be notified of our posts, sign up and you will receive notifications in your inbox.
Thank you for reading!
The Lewissisters